Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hey! Hey! Momma!

How much Robert Plant material can I handle in one day? There's never enough, however, there's always cause for trimming the fat. What fat do I speak of? Surely not Plant, he's fit as a fiddle. I'm speaking of the big tub of lard that's currently wasting space right now in fine retail shops, iTunes and the Atlantic catalog: Led Zeppelin's "Mothership" compilation. Whose idea was is to waste time in creating a "definitive" Led Zeppelin compilation?* Ahmet Ertegun and Bonzo may be spinning in their respective graves (What the hell does that mean anyway?). Granted, there's nothing BAD about "Mothership," but what's up with the omission of "Fool In The Rain?" Simply put, don't waste your money on this. Instead, do something smart: save your money and purchase every Zeppelin studio album and discover more gems outside the ones slapped together in this collection. It'll be one of the most worthwhile investments you have ever made. Even "Presence" is better than any unfortunate Jimmy Page post-Zeppelin or sans Plant collaboration (Anyone remember "Coverdale/Page?" Didn't think so!)

*Had to be Jonesy

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