Monday, November 19, 2007

Down, Set, Hike

You'd think that this shouldn't be here. I mean football is sport, right? Right, at least it was. Now it kinda encompasses all of our culture. Just watch TV for 2 minutes and you can see that charming lad from that small farm town in Indiana on every other commercial. Now I'm not complaining, I love his pep talks. But 'nuff about him, what I'm thinking about is everyone's favorite past time, Madden.

Who doesn't like sitting there and beating the opposition 75-3, and those three points you gave up where pity points after your 3rd string running back fumbled trying to break the 100 yard mark. It used to seem silly, almost ridiculous to play a game like that, just running up the score on one poor victim after another on your march to Superbowl victory after Superbowl victory.

Just when you're thinking, "hey! I'm gonna put down the controller and you know, do something constructive." Along comes high flying playboy Tom Brady and company, destroying their competition 56-10. While the New England Patriots are on the verge of breaking some of the NFL's most highly prized records, I think that their most important history making feat is making the world of Madden blowouts relevant again.

And now I'd like to introduce you to the 2007 Superbowl MVP's, Quarterback Tom Brady, Star Running Back Adrian Peterson, and with 4 TD receptions (all from the corner slant play action, with an improvised pump fake) Troy Williamson.

So thanks Tom and Randy, I really needed that.

1 comment:

gerrit said...

get in there! during my glory years of madden with my roommates i was always one of the best but the shutout always eluded me. I was within reach one time and I was doing everything right, running the ball, wasting the clock and then my RB fumbles on the last play at the goal line and the defense returns it for a TD. I was so pissed off. I did eventually get my shutout (and a bunch more) 96-0, but I will always remember how I got screwed over that game.